I received this email on the first of the year:
Hi Renee,
I am with Paper and Pixels magazine - http://www.papersandpixels.com/ -
I was searching the web and came across your gorgeous crafts and was so imprssed. I lie to find individuals who would like to share their crafts with us and our readers.
If you have interest in workig with me on an article about you for the February edition, please let me know as on as you can.
I would love it if you could design a small project never before seen for us with directions on how to make it an I will write an article around that.
More info, just give me a shout!
Thanks so much,
Anyways, here is the project and you can go HERE to Paper and Pixels to view it on there for the tutorial on making this album. I am so pleased with how it turned out and i am so shocked to be asked to do this for their magazine. Thanks so much Laura for allowing me this apportunity , the feature is fabulous and you made me look like i knew what i was doing! lol.